Committed to Diversity and Inclusion

Jersey Finance is proud to be a member of DIFERA, Liberate’s employer accreditation scheme.

This is the first scheme in the Channel Islands to award organisations with a quality mark that demonstrates to employees (past, present and future), clients and suppliers that our organisation places Diversity, Inclusion, Fairness, Equality, Respect and Acceptance at the heart of our business.

As part of developing our strategy we have identified various goals and educational initiatives to keep improving our awareness and ensuring we consider everybody’s unique perspective as part of everything we do.

Please read on to learn more about how we are putting our commitment into practice.

Living Our Values Everyday

We are team-focussed

We are proud to serve

We champion change

We care

We value diversity

Jersey Employment Trust

The Jersey Employment Trust (JET) was formed in 2002, with the aim of making employment and vocational training more accessible to people with disabilities. Jersey Finance works in partnership with JET to raise awareness about the charity and to offer Jersey financial services firms an opportunity to work with JET and its clients.

Our Members tell us that having continued access to a varied talent pool helps to create a diverse cultural environment that can foster creativity and innovation. We hope our partnership with JET encourages the finance industry to further engage in broader discussions around employment strategies concerning accessibility, diversity, equity, and inclusivity on-Island. These are essential factors when considering our Island’s future workforce and sustainable practices.

Your Future In Finance
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Attracting Young Talent

Jersey Finance is committed to attracting young people to consider a career in the finance industry in order to grow local talent.

To find out more about the work we do to engage young Islanders with and in the finance industry, visit our Future Connect, Life in Finance and Working in Finance web pages.

Discover more
Institute of Directors Diversity Vision

Jersey Finance has signed up to the Institute of Directors Jersey (IoD) Vision Statement in support of Diversity and Inclusion in the workplace.

This means we commit to promoting diversity and inclusion and helping to support the future success of our Island.

Latest on Diversity & Inclusion

Our Diverse Team ›

In support of ‘World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development‘ our team have contributed to a cultural diversity map showcasing our diverse cultural experiences.

Our DIFERA Champions

Allannah Camsell › Senior Operations Manager, Jersey Finance
email › / profile ›

Charis Le Bredonchel › Digital Marketing Officer, Jersey Finance
email › / profile ›

Faizal Bhana › Director – Middle East, Africa and India, Jersey Finance
email › / profile ›

Alicia Mathieson › Events and Marketing Officer, Jersey Finance
email › / profile ›

Peggy Gielen › Legal and Technical Manager, Jersey Finance
email › / profile ›

Charli Truscott › Marketing Assistant, Jersey Finance
email › / profile ›

Emma Laing › Digital Marketing Manager, Jersey Finance
email › / profile ›

Helen Maletroit › Finance and Operations Manager, Jersey Finance
email › / profile ›

Jess Draisey › Communications Manager, Jersey Finance
email › / profile ›

Nathalie Andersson › Strategy and Research Manager, Jersey Finance
email › / profile ›