Our Jersey Heard podcast’s Africa Round-up interviews are a must-listen for financial services professionals who work with clients in Africa or those who do business in Africa, providing rich insights into the current state and future prospects of the continent’s economies.

Our expert speakers take a deep dive into the financial services sector and economic landscape of the continent, offering a comprehensive review of the past year’s significant developments and looking ahead with expert predictions for the future.

Episode One:

Faizal Bhana › Director – Middle East, Africa and India, Jersey Finance
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David Lekerai

David Lekerai Partner, IKM Advocates

In this episode, Faizal Bhana chats with David Lekerai, Partner, IKM Advocates at DLA Piper law firm in Nairobi about the dynamic and multifaceted economic landscape of Africa, emphasising the impact of environmental factors and government policies on its economic health across 2023 and into the future.

David touches on the promising growth in the affordable housing sector, which is expected to drive economic development and job creation across the continent, the investment opportunities for investors and his predictions and insights into the future directions of Africa’s economic growth and development.



Yes, international capital definitely will be incentivised and is being incentivised. The (Kenyan) government, through the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Investment, has set up a specific state department to deal with investor’s interests and address any investor issues, including assessing incentives that are likely to make Kenya competitive.

– David Lekerai responds to a question on what East African governments can do to further encourage inward investment

Episode Two:

Faizal Bhana › Director – Middle East, Africa and India, Jersey Finance
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Mona Doshi

Mona Doshi Partner, Anjarwalla and Khanna LLP

In conversation with Mona Doshi, Partner at Anjarwalla and Khanna LLP in Kenya, Faizal Bhana hosts this podcast episode which highlights pivotal insights for professionals in finance and law, underscoring the critical role of technology, sustainable finance and wealth planning in shaping Africa’s future. Mona and Faizal speak about the transformative power of fintech, which is driving innovation and financial inclusion across Africa, the vital importance of integrating sustainable finance into strategies to protect our planet while safeguarding wealth and the significance of wealth planning for family businesses. Mona also provides a comprehensive roadmap for securing family futures in Kenya, emphasising the importance of professional legal advice.

Africa contributes the least globally to carbon dioxide and greenhouse gas emissions yet suffers the most from climate change."

– Mona Doshi highlights the paradox of Africa’s climate challenge.

Previous Editions of our Africa Round-Up Series ›

Interested in hearing whether our expert predictions were accurate? Listen to our 2022 Africa Round-up podcast episodes to discover whether Frank Mwiti, Esiri Agbeyi and Mercy Gakii Muthuuri correctly identified the top trends in 2023 that would impact Africa’s financial services landscape.