Our Careers and Skills calendar is never empty! We’ve been busy this month spreading news about our Life in Finance scheme, and preparing and hosting local events.

Every year, we go into all sixth form schools and colleges on the Island, to promote our Life in Finance scheme. This work placement scheme offers local students a chance to gain an insight into Jersey’s thriving financial services sector.

We delivered presentations at Highlands College to their business students; a virtual presentation to some Year 12 students at JCG; and to Hautlieu School’s Year 12 year group.

We were excited to be joined by two representatives from our Member firms at these presentations to help bring careers in finance to life. Ches Trower, former Senior Regulatory Consultant at Ogier, and Lauren Davey, Premier Relationship Manager at Barclays, joined us at Highlands College and Hautlieu School.

We were also delighted to welcome two groups of students from Maison de la Normandie et de la Manche to our offices for a presentation about Jersey’s financial services sector. The students were really engaged and asked some very interesting questions. We hope that we gave them a little more insight into how their accounting studies can play out into real roles.

We hosted our first Reconnect event of the year this month. Reconnect is a space where islanders can come together to discuss and ask questions about rejoining or newly entering the finance industry.

It was a really successful event, and we felt that those who attended certainly benefited. There were many discussions between attendees and representees from our industry, and it was clear that our guests felt encouraged to take the next step in their careers.

Our second Future Connect event of the year was also a great success! We welcomed many guests to our breakfast session, hosted by Laura MacDonald, Owner of Prosper. Laura gave an interesting and inspiring presentation on career growth and progression, including some excellent examples and methods for preparing a successful career plan.

Our Future Connect forum provides members with opportunities to be educated and inspired throughout the developing years of their careers, and we cannot wait to host the other events we have planned for the rest of the year.

Sweet Chariot, provides students with destination tours, ranging from musical to business tours. We recently hosted students from the UK on a business trip to Jersey! They attended presentations from various businesses on island. We were lucky enough to use the new IFC building where Aztec is based to deliver a presentation to the students about Jersey as an international finance centre and what we do both locally and globally.

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